Tuesday, March 17, 2015


So here's the deal. For the past year and a half I have been writing book two in my Abolition Series. Also, while writing this story I have been writing a new story currently titled Lilly. In my blog you can see journal entries from that main character in the story. It's a separate idea I came up with in order to help self promote my new story and to introduce you to a character in that story as well. As of lately my writing time as been cut short with my day job. After work I'm usually exhausted and hungry and go directly for food instead of writing. My evenings are dedicated to writing but there just isn't enough time to accomplish my writing goals.

Why am I telling you this? Mainly I'm doing this for myself. It's kind of a motivational kind of thing I guess, but gives everyone a heads up as well. I hope to have Abolition Book Two available by summer or early fall and I hope to have Lilly in its final editing stages by then as well. I do believe these are extremely high goals for myself but aiming high is a good thing right? I plan to have more journal entries come from Lilly in the next few weeks. In the meantime download Abolition Book One and let me know what you think. I'm really excited of how the series is evolving and book two has been a lot of fun to write and I hope it'll be just as fun to read. Everyone keep reading and writing.